Monument Signs


Strengthen Brand Awareness with Beautiful Monument Signs

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Monument Signs

Similar to pylon signs, monument signs are located away from your main building and placed either at the entrance of your property or along the road. Both are intended for customers to find your business more easily. The main difference between these types of commercial signs is that monument signs are much lower to the ground. Monument signs are meant to be seen at eye level, usually around 5 feet high, and blend in aesthetically with your landscape using materials such as brick, stone, metal or wood.

Represent your business with pride when you partner with our San Antonio sign company for a monument sign that will make a statement.
See the brands our San Antonio sign shop has brought to life.

Common Applications

Because of their size, monument signs are ideal for communities with sign height restrictions, but are versatile enough to be used for the following:

Ask Us About Our Special Franchise Pricing!

Need custom monument signs for multiple locations? We provide multi-sign discounts for franchises to expand their reach with cohesive advertising.

(210) 550-5964