Push Through Signs


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Push Through Signs

Push through signs have lettering that looks as if it's been pushed through the surface of the sign material. The frame is an aluminum or Dibond box with acrylic letters “pushed out” of the surface, giving it its signature look. Unique to other commercial signs such as pylon signs or channel letters, push through signs are not directly mounted to the wall, but fixed onto a metal back which is then attached to the wall. Push through signs can be illuminated through the letters, face and sides to create an edge lighting effect and more dimension.

Highlight your brand indoors or outdoors with professional push through signage by American Sign Fabricators. See the brands our San Antonio sign shop has brought to life.

Common Applications

Push through signs work great for both indoor and outdoor marketing and are popular in the following industries: 

Ask Us About Our Special Franchise Pricing!

Need custom push through signs for multiple locations? We provide multi-sign discounts for franchises to expand their reach with cohesive advertising.

(210) 550-5964